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S01E03 7


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:7,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Hey, where have you two been?
Uh, Susan had a problem finding something to wear.

Oh, is that the kind of thing you meant?

Pretty much.

The kids are bouncing off the walls? Huh.

Well, I'm sure you can figure a way to put them to bed, Tom.

I mean, for god sakes, Tom, they're just kids.

Hey. Are you okay?

Yes, I-I went jogging today,

and I think I just pushed myself too hard.

Oh, you're probably not wearing the right shoes.

Yeah, that thought did cross my mind.

So Gabrielle says that you and Bree are taking lessons three times a week.


I'm actually thinking about playing again. I mean, it's such great exercise.

Mm. That it is.

And my drop shot could use a serious tune-up.

Think you can give me the number of your pro?

Yeah. I'll, uh, I'll give it to you later.

Well, what club does he work out of?


w-we're not really taking tennis lessons, carlos.

You're not?

That's a story

Bree concocted to cover the fact that we're seeing a marriage counselor.

Bree -- Bree...
Bree -- Bree...

he wouldn't stop asking about the tennis pro.

Bree and I are in marriage counseling.

Everyone knows our secret now.

Did the sky fall?

Has your life come crashing down?

If everybody would please take your seats,

dinner is served.

With the winds from the northwest at 4 miles per hour, it's currently 55 degrees.

Now we go to rich... live on the scene in westbrook.

A grisly discovery was made today in westbrook when a chest was found in rockwater lake,

discovered by a local area businessman and his grandson while they were fishing.

Investigators recovered a wooden chest containing what appears to be human remains.

Now, a police spokesman says the body was --

Okay, I got to break the ice here.

So you're in counseling. Big deal.

You want humiliation? I'll give you humiliation.

I locked myself out of my house stark naked and got caught by Mike.

Oh, my god. When did this happen?

Today, right before the party.

What can I say? Right place, right time.

I think I can top that. Try getting thrown out of disneyland for lewd behavior.

What? When was this?

When Tom and I were first married,

things got a little out of hand on Mr. Toad's wild ride.

You're kidding.

No. We got perp walked down main street, USA.

Well, since we're doing true confessions,

Carlos and I once broke a waterbed in Cancoon.

How'd you manage that?

Well, he used to have a thing for spiked heels.

I'd just like to make it clear -- she was wearing them.

Rex cries after he ejaculates.

You think we left too early?

I was thinking we left too late.

So is, uh, Rex gone for good?

I don't know.

God, I hope not.

I mean, they've always been wound a little tight, but I've never seen them like that.

Then again, who am I to judge?

You mean people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw soda cans?

Okay, you have got to know that I only get that angry around Karl.

He just treated me so badly at the end.


pro [prəʊ] n. 赞成者;赞成的意见 prep. 赞成 adv. 赞成地 n. (Pro)人名;(意)普罗 { :4060}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

confessions [kən'feʃnz] n. 自白,招供;忏悔录(confession的复数形式) { :4818}

soda [ˈsəʊdə] n. 苏打;碳酸水 n. (Soda)人名;(意)索达;(日)曾田(姓) {cet4 cet6 ky :5125}

grandson [ˈgrænsʌn] n. 孙子;外孙 {zk gk cet4 cet6 :6641}

stark [stɑ:k] adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;光秃秃的;朴实的 adv. 完全;明显地;突出地;质朴地 n. (Stark)人名;(俄、罗)斯塔尔克;(英、芬、法、瑞典)斯塔克;(德)施塔克 {toefl gre :6659}

karl [kɑ:l] n. 卡尔(男子名,等于Charles) { :6663}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

spiked [ˈspaɪkt] adj. 尖的;有穗的;加入标准的 { :7383}

humiliation [hju:ˌmɪlɪ'eɪʃn] n. 丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑 {cet6 :7690}

jogging [ˈdʒɒgɪŋ] n. 慢跑 v. 慢跑(jog的ing形式);轻推;唤起 {toefl :8335}

concocted [kənˈkɔktid] vt. 捏造;混合而制;调合;图谋 { :12403}

grisly [ˈgrɪzli] adj. 可怕的;厉害的;严重的 {gre :15353}

disneyland ['diznilænd] n. 迪斯尼乐园;幻想世界 { :17067}

lewd [lu:d] adj. 淫荡的;猥亵的;下流的 { :18097}

perp [pɚrp] n. <口>罪犯 abbr. 垂直的;直立的;垂直线(等于perpendicular) { :25259}

ejaculates [ɪˈdʒækjəˌleɪts] n. 射出( ejaculate的名词复数 ); 突然的喊出; 射出者; 射出器 v. 突然说出( ejaculate的第三人称单数 ); 射出(液体) { :27324}

waterbed [ˈwɔ:təbed] n. 水床;电热充水床垫 { :34557}

Westbrook [ ] [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 韦斯特布鲁克住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“西+溪流”(west+brook); [地名] [美国] 韦斯特布鲁克 { :45990}

rockwater [ ] [网络] 岩泉水;罗克沃特公司;洛可华特

tune-up ['tju:ˌʌp] n. 发动机的调整

uh-huh [ˈʌhʌ] int. 嗯,哼;啊哈

a little tight [ ] [网络] 有一点点醉;有点紧

bounce off [bauns ɔf] 试探(某人对某一新设想和意见),大发议论

bounce off the walls [ ] [网络] 无比兴奋;从墙上弹跳回来

crash down [ ] v. 下坠 [网络] 哗啦一声倒下;猛然倒下;朝下猛撞

for God sake [ ] adv. 看在上帝的份上 [网络] 为左上帝;天呐;上帝的面子上

marriage counseling [ˈmæridʒ ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ] [网络] 婚姻咨询;婚姻辅导;婚姻谘商

perp walk [ ] [网络] 游街示众;手铐铁链牵着上庭;手铐铁链牵著上庭

perp walked [ ] 游街示众(俚语)

soda can [ ] [网络] 易拉罐;苏打水铁罐;用易拉罐

soda cans [ ] 汽水罐

spike heel [spaɪk hi:l] n. (女式鞋的)细高跟;细高跟鞋 [网络] 锥形跟;皮鞋后跟;女子皮鞋上的高后跟

spike heels [spaɪk hi:lz] [网络] 高跟鞋尖

spiked heel [ ] n. 高跟鞋上的后跟

stark naked [stɑ:k ˈneikid] na. 赤身露体 [网络] 一丝不挂;赤条条;赤裸裸

tennis lesson [ ] [网络] 网球初级班学员进步神速;网球班学员进步神速;网球课

tennis lessons [ ] [网络] 网球课

tennis pro [ ] [网络] 职业网球;网球高手

the northwest [ ] [网络] 西北;西北地区;西北部地区

True Confession [ ] [网络] 真实告白;真心告白;谎妇人

i mean

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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